I can't believe how tiny she was! I remember just being floored by how awesome God is after experiencing childbirth. It truly is a testament to our Creator.
Anyway, back to the birthday. I ended up getting sick and we had to cancel her party but we still had family over for a little celebration. My good friend Kaitlyn (whom I will now refer to as Kpo to avoid any further name confusion) volunteered to make a cake for the party, so she came by with her husband to deliver the cake. She ended up making a monkey cake that turned out awesome! It was made from all natural ingredients and was free of any artificial food dyes. Everyone thought it was delicious.
She made a little cupcake for Kaitlyn to smash into as well. It took her a few minutes to dig in but once she tasted the icing, she was hooked!
I also got a good shot of her in her high chair eating lunch before her cake, I thought it was pretty funny.
I might have to start strapping her in a little better. After lunch and cake we opened some awesome presents from uncles and grandparents including a sandbox and a little chair!
She got a pretty cool ladybug book from her uncle Will, my brother.
All in all, I would say it was a pretty awesome birthday. Thanks to everyone who contributed! If you live in the area check out Kpo's website, Cypress and Myrtle for more info on her cakes and other goodies.