Monday, May 13, 2013


Spring is finally here and it feels great outside! I love it! I have been working outside a lot lately with this amazing weather and I am getting so pumped about the garden this year.  Last year we started with very high hopes for our first garden, but after Kaitlyn was born things got a little out of hand.  We had a HUGE garden and while we were busy indoors with a newborn, weeds started growing and the once beautiful garden quickly turned in to Jumanji. It was pretty bad.  I won't tarnish the page with a picture.

This year we took a new approach.  After tilling things up we laid down a ton of landscape fabric and pinned it down really well. When my seedlings got big enough I just cut a hole in the fabric and planted them.  I think this will make it a lot easier to maintain. I still weed a little around each individual plant but it is very manageable.

Here is a picture of what it all looks like:

I am pretty proud to say that I started everything from seed this year. I took care of those seedlings like they were my little babies and they turned out pretty awesome. Here are some close-ups of what I have planted.



Pepper plant (I planted both assorted bell peppers and jalapenos)

Nice lookin' row of radishes




A very tiny start to a pomegranate on my tree!


Basil and Thyme

Lots of lettuce

Parsley and cilanto

Blackberry bush


Anyway, I'm pretty excited about it. Trying to eat healthy and unprocessed food can get expensive so I am hoping to offset some of our food expenses with the garden.  Plus, nothing beats produce fresh from the garden, it's good to know where your food comes from!


  1. Nice garden - looks like someone did a proper tilling job on that.

  2. And I already got some kale out of it!!!!


I would love to hear your input!